Don’t underestimate the importance of having fun participating in school activities. Some of the best times and memories students have are the experiences of belonging to a club or participating in an after school activity. Clubs and activities are important to join just for the enjoyment that they will bring to most students, but they also allow the students to more easily make friends because the groups are small and they get to be themselves!
Clubs and activities provide students with many positive experiences that help them to become well-rounded individuals who are ready for college or the workplace. It helps students to become active in their school and to feel a connection the school and to others. It provides a sense of pride and school spirit and it is a positive influence on our youth today.
There is something for everyone! Get involved!
Information will be shared throughout the year with students and families through newsletters and notes will be sent home on how to participate and join our activities.
K-5 Activities and Contacts:
Book Fair
Caroline Sabock, Librarian
ESL Family Night
Melissa True, ESL Team Leader
Math Night
Dana Loy-Anderson, Title 1 Math Teacher
Literacy Night
Michelle MIles, Title 1 Reading Teacher
Field Day
Jordan Fisher, PE Teacher
House System
Natasha Wade, Principal
Kim Kane, STEAM Teacher
Science Fair
Kim Kane, STEAM Teacher
Variety Show
Sara Powers, Music Teacher
Back to School Bash
Amber Gardner, Assistant Principal
Fine Arts Festival
Sara Powers, Music Teacher
Erika Ogier, Art Teacher
International Night
Melissa True, ESL Team Leader
5th Grade Activities and Contacts:
5th Grade Promotion Ceremony
Shannon Bates, 5th Grade Team Leader
Battle of the Book
Caroline Sabock, Librarian
Fifth Grade Chorus
Sara Powers, Music Teacher
Safety Patrols
Sara Powers, Music Teacher
Erika Ogier, Art Teacher
PTA Sponsored Events and Contact:
Movie Night
School Dance
Spring Carnival
Shannone Bates, PTA President